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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

As the official nonprofit partner of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) for more than three decades, Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) believes TPWD plays a critical role in protecting our state’s lands, waters, wildlife, aquatic life, and public access to outdoor recreation. In the last few days, we’ve received multiple requests for comment regarding House Bill 4938, a bill recently filed in the Texas Legislature to abolish TPWD.

TPWD is a model for efficacy and efficiency, managing five natural resource divisions under one state agency—from State Parks, Wildlife, and Law Enforcement (Texas Game Wardens) to Coastal Fisheries and Inland Fisheries—to ensure that current and future generations of Texans can forever enjoy the lands, waters, and wildlife of Texas.

TPWD is overseen by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, a nine-member body appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Texas Senate. Commissioners are among Texas’ most preeminent business and community leaders; together they are responsible for the management and administration of TPWD funds and adoption of policies and rules to carry out all TPWD programs.

TPWD oversees a significant scope of responsibilities, including:

  • Operating 88 (soon to be 89) state parks, state natural areas, and state historic sites, 50 wildlife management areas, and eight fish hatcheries, comprising 1.4 million acres that are managed in the public trust for recreation and conservation
  • Managing our habitats, fish, and wildlife to ensure high-quality hunting and fishing opportunities for the more than 6 million people who participate in hunting and fishing in Texas every year; hunters and anglers spend an estimated $16.4 billion in pursuit of these traditions, channeling tens of millions of dollars into conservation efforts and rural economies around the state
  • Providing private landowners with valuable technical guidance in stewardship efforts, including overseeing over 7,200 Managed Land Approved Plans covering 31.5 million acres
  • Through Texas Game Wardens, the Law Enforcement Division of TPWD, patrolling over 10 million miles by vehicle and 160,000 hours by boat, facing challenges as unique as the 254 counties they serve
  • Providing over 9 million state park visitors each year with high-quality opportunities to experience Texas through hiking, camping, fishing, paddling, birding, and more; these visitors contribute more than $62 million in revenue annually
  • Conserving aquatic resources across 5.7 million acres of public waterways, including 191,228 miles of streams, creeks, and rivers; over 1,100 reservoirs and small impoundments; and 4 million acres of coastal resources including Texas bays, estuaries, and 9 nautical miles into the Gulf; these waters support recreational opportunities for 4.1 million anglers and 3.2 million boaters, with anglers alone spending $11.1 billion annually on fishing-related expenditures
  • Enhancing freshwater and saltwater fishing opportunities by stocking 41 million fingerlings annually in Texas’ public waterways; in 2024, TPWD celebrated the stocking of the 1 billionth red drum in Texas’ coastal waters

TPWD was created by the Texas Legislature over 60 years ago with the merger of the Texas Game and Fish Commission with the Texas State Parks Board. The precursor agencies date back to the late 19th century, and Texas Game Wardens have been patrolling the state since 1895. TPWF is proud to support TPWD, an agency that has demonstrated efficacy and delivered positive results for Texans, addressing our state’s greatest conservation challenges and opportunities—from the shores of the Gulf Coast to the mountains of West Texas.