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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Planned Giving

Beneficiary Designations

Beneficiary designations are an easy and flexible way to leave a charitable legacy. They can be made using:

  • IRAs and retirement plans
  • Life insurance policies
  • Commercial annuities
  • Bank accounts, certificates of deposit or brokerage accounts

These assets are not controlled by the terms of your will but instead use separate beneficiary forms to determine who receives them. These designations can be split across beneficiaries and modified at any time to meet your changing needs.

It only takes three simple steps to make this type of gift. Here’s how to name Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation as a beneficiary:

  1. Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
  2. Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like us to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
  3. Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.

An Example of How it Works

Robert and Carol treasure the financial help they’ve been able to give their children and TPWF over the years. The couple recently updated their will to leave stocks and real estate to their kids. They left TPWF a $75,000 IRA to be transferred following their lifetime. Because TPWF is tax-exempt, all $75,000 will help support our mission.

If Robert and Carol had left the IRA to their children, approximately $18,000* would have gone to pay federal income taxes, leaving only $57,000 for their family’s use. Robert and Carol are happy knowing they are making the most of their hard-earned money thanks to their updated estate plan.

* Based on an assumption of a 24% marginal income tax bracket.

Next Steps

  1. Contact Amy Allen at 214.720.1478 or for additional information on bequests or to chat more about the different options for including TPWF in your will or estate plan.
  2. Talk to your financial or legal advisor to learn which assets will or will not trigger taxable income when paid to a beneficiary.
  3. If you include TPWF in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
    Legal Name: Parks and Wildlife Foundation of Texas (dba Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation)
    Address: 6620 Gaston Ave, Ste. 700, Dallas, TX 75214
    Federal Tax ID Number: 74-2602504

Learn More

A Guide to Making Your Will
Personal Estate Planning Tools