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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Gear Up for Game Wardens aims to support Texas Game Wardens

For Immediate Release October 3, 2017

Media contact: Lydia Saldaña

October 3, 2017

Media contact: Lydia Saldaña

Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) has launched a new program and website to help Texas Game Wardens get the job done out in the field. Through private donations, Gear Up for Game Wardens will provide specialty equipment Texas Game Wardens need to maintain safety and ensure the highest level of service for the people of Texas. While the state provides the basic necessities for wardens to do their jobs, there is still a critical need for additional equipment.

That’s why a group of dedicated citizens is partnering with TPWF, the official nonprofit funding partner of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), to launch Gear Up for Game Wardens. As a new program of TPWF, Gear Up for Game Wardens will raise private funds to ensure that Texas’ 550 game wardens have access to specialized equipment beyond their standard issue gear. A citizen-led Leadership Committee is supporting these efforts.

“Texas Game Wardens played an important role as first responders in rescue efforts during Hurricane Harvey and specialty gear no doubt saved lives,” said Dan Flournoy, chair of the Gear Up for Game Wardens Leadership Committee. “Along with their duty during natural disasters, Texas Game Wardens also protect the natural resource associated with hunting, fishing, hiking and birdwatching and provide a safe environment for people participating in those activities. By supporting Gear Up for Game Wardens, future generations will be able to continue Texas’ proud outdoor Texas heritage.”

Texas Game Wardens have watched over the lands, waters, wildlife and people of Texas for more than 100 years. Every year Texas Game Wardens patrol over 10 million miles by vehicle and 130,000 hours by boat, facing challenges as unique as the 254 counties they serve. Gear Up for Game Wardens will help support their critical equipment needs.

“We’re excited at the prospect of advancing the capabilities of Texas Game Wardens across the state,” said Kelly R. Thompson, chair of TPWF’s board of trustees. “We hope every outdoor-loving Texan will support this effort by visiting the Gear Up for Game Wardens website to make a donation.”

The Gear Up for Game Wardens website features the specialty equipment needs of eight law enforcement regions across Texas and the statewide Special Operations Unit. Working closely with TPWD’s law enforcement team, TPWF has compiled a list of the most pressing equipment needs, which are detailed on the website. Supporters can provide funds for the priority needs, make a general donation, or learn more about the program.

From helping to outfit a new K-9 unit to providing gear for the underwater search and recovery team and upgrading field communications by providing digital radios, citizens who care about the work of Texas Game Warden can get directly involved in helping them. One hundred percent of the funds raised will go to the Gear Up for Game Wardens effort.

A .pdf version of this press release is available.

Gear Up for Game Wardens video trailer

Texas Game Wardens demonstrating use of specialty gear

All TPWF news releases available online:

Gear Up for Game Wardens website:

Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) raises private funds to advance Texas’ proud outdoor traditions and conserve our state’s wildlife, habitat, recreational areas, and natural resources. Since 1991, Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation has raised more than $170 million in private philanthropy to ensure that all Texans, today and in the future, can enjoy the wild things and wild places of Texas.
