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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

An endowment is a forever gift; a way to ensure your support for the places and organizations you care about most, like Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF), continues on forever. When you establish an endowment, or contribute to an existing one, you create a lasting legacy that reflects your values. You may also create a named endowment for your loved one to honor the person far into the future.

How an Endowment Works

When you make an endowed gift to TPWF, only a small portion of your gift will be spent each year. The balance is invested, allowing the gift to live on in perpetuity.

Funding Your Endowment

There are many ways to fund your endowment without using cash. Some allow you to establish your gift now, while others won’t go into effect until after your lifetime.

  • Appreciated assets. Using an appreciated asset that you have owned more than one year may allow you to eliminate capital gains tax on the asset’s appreciation.
  • Life insuranceName TPWF the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, or make us the owner of a policy you no longer need.
  • Retirement plan assetsConsider naming TPWF beneficiary of your retirement plan assets. After your lifetime, the funds will go to establishing your endowment.
  • A gift in your will or living trust. Your gift to TPWF can be a specific amount or a percentage of your residuary estate.

Make Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation a Part of Your Legacy

Ensure your support for Texas’ wild things and wild places lives on for generations to come. Contact Phil Lamb at 214-720-1478 or to learn how you can make TPWF a part of your legacy.

The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.