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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Dallas Attorney turns to Quail Conservation

For Immediate Release February 15, 2017

Media contact: Lydia Saldaña

Feb. 15, 2017

Media contact: Lydia Saldaña

The legal profession’s loss is conservation’s gain. Dallas attorney Phil Lamb is making a career move from litigation to quail conservation. After 14 years as a successful lawyer in Dallas, Lamb is joining the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation as director of development. Lamb cites his involvement with Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation’s Stewards of the Wild program as a catalyst for the career change. Lamb co-chairs the Dallas chapter of the Steward of the Wild, a young professionals program that supports the mission of Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

“Getting involved with Stewards of the Wild has really been life changing for me,” said Lamb. “I’ve always been interested in hunting, fishing and the outdoors, and getting involved in Stewards of the Wild has galvanized that interest into direct action to support conservation.”

The Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch is located in Roby, northwest of Abilene. Lamb will work out of a Dallas office.

“We’re excited to have Phil join our growing team,” said Rick Snipes, president of Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation’s Board of Directors. “Our goal is to be the preeminent quail research and conservation organization in the world, and to do that we need the financial support of the quail hunting community. Phil is the perfect person to lead this effort. He is a passionate sportsman and conservationist with a proven track record as a volunteer with Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation’s Stewards of the Wild program.”

There are Stewards of the Wild chapters in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin and Midland. The member-led chapters engage 21 to 45-year-old outdoor enthusiasts by hosting exclusive events to raise awareness of conservation issues facing future generations.

“We’re pleased to see the Stewards of the Wild program successfully engaging the next generation of conservation leaders in Texas,” said Kelly R. Thompson, chair of TPWF’s board of trustees. “We wish Phil the very best as he embarks on the next phase of his career in conservation. We hope more young people will follow his lead in turning a passion for conservation into action.”

Find more information about TPWF’s Stewards of the Wild program.

Find more information about the Rolling Plains Quail Research Foundation and its research ranch in

Contact info for Phil Lamb: 214.498.1234,

A .pdf version of this press release is available.

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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation (TPWF) raises private funds to advance Texas’ proud outdoor traditions and conserve our state’s wildlife, habitat, recreational areas, and natural resources. Since 1991, Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation has raised more than $150 million in private philanthropy to ensure that all Texans, today and in the future, can enjoy the wild things and wild places of Texas.
