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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Plan Your Estate in 60 Minutes

Have you put off creating your will because it seems too overwhelming? It may be easier and less time-consuming than you think. Make a resolution to spend just one hour with an estate planning attorney and you can be well on your way to having a legally sound will.

Estate planning attorneys are experts who understand how your decisions affect your estate and can guide you toward a path that will best meet your goals.

Find the Right Estate Planning Attorney

Start by soliciting references from friends, relatives and co-workers. Talk to bankers, life insurance agents, accountants and financial planners. Your local bar association may have an online referral service. As you move forward, consider:

  • Experience and references
  • How fees are charged along with total cost estimate
  • Professional accomplishments
  • Percentage of work devoted to estate planning
  • Alliances with professionals in related fields

Make the Most of Your Time

To maximize your meeting, be prepared to discuss the following:

  • Background information (address, marital status, name of children, etc.)
  • Assets and liabilities
  • Guardians for minor children
  • Executor for your estate
  • Special considerations such as medical concerns or prenuptial agreements
  • Support for your philanthropic goals

From Start to Finish

Here’s how you and your attorney will progress from nothing to something in just one hour.

  • What Are Your Goals? In the beginning, expect to answer a lot of questions regarding your goals for your estate. For example: How do you want to provide for minor children? Do you want to give back to causes that you care about?
  • Assets and Liabilities: Discussing your assets and liabilities, as well as how they are titled, will help your attorney determine how your current situation aligns with your estate goals.
  • Additional Considerations: You’ll discuss guardianship for minor children, an executor for your estate, medical considerations and other important issues.
  • Next Steps: Assuming the meeting goes as planned, at this point your attorney should have a good feel for your estate and be ready to draft your will. Once a draft is complete and agreed upon, you’ll meet again to execute the will (more complex estates or living trusts may require additional meetings and documentation).
  • Enjoy the satisfaction that comes from keeping your resolutions!

A legacy gift to Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation will help your philanthropic legacy grow and flourish for generations to come. Interested in learning more about how Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation can help you plan for the future? Contact Susan Walters at 214.720.1478 or to start a conversation today.

The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.