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Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation

Many of us devote our time, talents and contributions because it’s the right thing to do and we want to make an impact. Sharing our generosity also provides us with an immense feeling of satisfaction.

Giving makes us feel good because it can:

  1. Make a real difference. Sometimes “thank you” doesn’t convey how much we truly care. Financial support of a cause enables you to make a powerful impact.
  2. Reflect our values. We all want to be part of a community that shares our values. Showing support, either through gifts of time or finances, can extend your personal connection and give you a sense of belonging. It also reinforces your own belief system.
  3. Serve as inspiration. Your generosity may inspire others to follow your lead. Engage loved ones in a discussion about your passions and encourage them to join you in volunteering or making a difference through charitable gifts.
  4. Create an everlasting impact. You have an opportunity to leave your mark on the world. Planning a future gift—such as one in your will or trust—helps ensure that generations to come will benefit. It can also help protect the causes you love beyond your lifetime.
  5. Recognize individuals. We are often inspired to give back by people who have touched our lives. Tribute gifts are a unique way to honor those individuals.

Make Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation a Part of Your Legacy

Ready to see the benefits of your generosity? Contact Phil Lamb at 214-720-1478 or to learn how you can make TPWF a part of your legacy and ensure your support for Texas’ wild things and wild places lives on for generations to come.

The information in this publication is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.